*All benchmarks below are done on a pretty old Intel Xeon X3470 CPU with 4 cores, 8 threads @ 2.93GHz . You can expect ~2x better performance on modern CPUs.
There are many tools to benchmark HTTP API. We will use apib which is successor of a
standard ab
We will benchmark a very simple web service - it receives HTTP
request at /fib?n=10
and answers with fibonacci number.
Our testing RestRserve application is implemented below:
calc_fib = function(n) {
if (n < 0L) stop("n should be >= 0")
if (n == 0L) return(0L)
if (n == 1L || n == 2L) return(1L)
x = rep(1L, n)
for (i in 3L:n) x[[i]] = x[[i - 1]] + x[[i - 2]]
bench_app = function(calc_fn) {
backend = BackendRserve$new()
app = Application$new(content_type = "text/plain")
app$add_get("/fib", FUN = function(request, response) {
n = as.integer(request$get_param_query("n"))
if (length(n) == 0L || {
response$set_body(list(answer = calc_fn(n)))
backend$start(app = app, http_port = 8080)
Sample calc_fib()
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(low = calc_fib(10), times = 10)
#> Warning in microbenchmark::microbenchmark(low = calc_fib(10), times = 10): less
#> accurate nanosecond times to avoid potential integer overflows
#> Unit: nanoseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> low 861 861 867412.4 902 984 8665473 10
At the moment RestRserve supports single backend - Rserve.
can utilize all CPU cores and process
requests in parallel. We will use multiple number of threads to see how
it affects performance.RestRserve
environment variable. It
controls the amount of input validation RestRserve
internally using checkmate
package. Despite the fact that runtime checks comes with additional time
overhead this variable is set to TRUE
by default. We value
correctness and robustness of the application at the first place. We
will benchmark application with different values of
to see the difference.Code below implements allows to test combinations options:
parse_apib_results = function(x) {
apib_executable_path = "apib"
#apib_executable_path = path.expand("~/projects/apib/release/apib/apib")
csv_header = system2(command = apib_executable_path,
args = "--header-line", stdout = T)
csv_header = strsplit(csv_header, ",", T)[[1]]
csv_header = c("n_threads", "fibonacci", "flavor", csv_header[-1])
if (length(x) == 1) x = paste0(x, "\n")
results = paste(x, collapse = "\n")
fread(results, col.names = csv_header)
run_apib = function(
n_threads = c(4, 2, 1),
n_sec = 5,
keep_alive = -1,
flavor = "",
fib_count = 10) {
apib_executable_path = "apib"
#apib_executable_path = path.expand("~/projects/apib/release/apib/apib")
results = character()
for (n_thread in n_threads) {
res = system2(
command = apib_executable_path,
args = sprintf(
"-c %d -d %d -k %d --csv-output \'\'",
n_thread, n_sec, keep_alive, fib_count
stdout = TRUE
results[[length(results) + 1]] = paste0(n_thread, ",", fib_count, ",", flavor, res)
apib_bench = function(
n_sec = 5,
keep_alive = -1,
fib_counts = 10,
runtime_checks = c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
results = character()
for (fib_count in fib_counts) {
for (runtime_check in runtime_checks) {
rr = r_bg(
list(calc_fn = calc_fib),
env = c("RESTRSERVE_RUNTIME_ASSERTS" = as.character(runtime_check))
# Wait for R to start
flavor = if (runtime_check) "RestRserve + runtime checks" else "RestRserve"
results = c(
n_sec = n_sec,
keep_alive = keep_alive,
flavor = flavor,
fib_count = fib_count
cat(sep = "",
"fibonacci: ", fib_count, "; flavor: ", flavor, "\n",
paste0(rr$read_output(), collapse = "\n"), "\n"
results_runtime = apib_bench(keep_alive = -1, fib_counts = 10)
Keep in mind that creating new connections is quite expensive for any
HTTP server. For RestRserve
’s Rserve
this is particularly true since for each new connection it forks a child
process (which has relatively high cost). With other backends slow down
might be less significant.
results_no_keep_alive = apib_bench(keep_alive = 0, fib_counts = 10)
Nonetheless one can always put application behind proxy (such as HAproxy or nginx). It will maintain pool of connections to RestRserve and hence won’t suffer from creating new connections.
Support for promises
was added in plumber
v1.0.0. Extra coding will need to be done within a plumber definition to
distinguish which routes utilize promises.
We will rewrite our calc_fib
function in a less
efficient way in order to simulate different amount of computation
required by handler. We will benchmark frameworks against three styles
of routes (low computation, n = 15
; medium computation,
n = 20
; high computation, n = 25
) using
multiple apib
testing threads (1, 2, 4).
calc_fib = function(n) {
calc_fib_rec = function(n) {
if (n < 0L) stop("n should be >= 0")
if (n == 0L) return(0L)
if (n == 1L || n == 2L) return(1L)
x = rep(1L, n)
for (i in 3L:n) x[[i]] = x[[i - 1]] + x[[i - 2]]
calc_fib_rec(n - 1) + calc_fib_rec(n - 2)
low = calc_fib(15),
medium = calc_fib(20),
high = calc_fib(25), times = 10
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> low 512.213 519.060 649.7557 521.3765 531.893 1793.955 10
#> medium 5721.673 5788.052 5952.9622 5861.8725 5876.325 7086.276 10
#> high 67033.606 67107.898 68340.5589 67599.7955 68404.482 74794.578 10
plumber_app = function(calc_fn, use_future = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(use_future)) {
# multiple cores
plan(multiprocess(workers = 4)) # max number of threads
fib_route = function(n = -1) {
n = as.integer(n)
if ( stop("\"n\"must be integer number.")
} else {
# single core
fib_route = function(n = -1) {
n = as.integer(n)
if ( stop("\"n\"must be integer number.")
pr() %>%
serializer = plumber::serializer_text()
) %>%
pr_run(port = 8080)
apib_bench_plumber = function(
n_sec = 5,
keep_alive = -1,
fib_counts = c(15, 20, 25)) {
results = character()
for (fib_count in fib_counts) {
for (use_future in list(TRUE, FALSE)) {
rr = r_bg(
list(calc_fn = calc_fib, use_future = use_future),
stdout = "|", stderr = "2>&1"
flavor = if (use_future) "plumber + future" else "plumber"
results = c(
n_threads = c(4, 2, 1),
n_sec = n_sec,
keep_alive = keep_alive,
flavor = flavor,
fib_count = fib_count
cat(sep = "",
"fibonacci: ", fib_count, "; flavor: ", flavor, "\n",
paste0(rr$read_output(), collapse = "\n"), "\n"
N_SEC = 10
results_restrserve = apib_bench(fib_counts = c(15, 20, 25), keep_alive = -1,
runtime_checks = FALSE, n_sec = N_SEC)
results_plumber = apib_bench_plumber(fib_counts = c(15, 20, 25), keep_alive = -1, n_sec = N_SEC)
results_compare = rbindlist(list(results_plumber, results_restrserve))
As can be seen RestRserce
performs very well on every
workload and scales linearly with number of cores.
Additionally we may explore environments where web-service exposed
directly to many clients without having load balancer or proxy behind
it. This is not very common across real-world deployments, but still
worth to keep in mind. We can be simulate such scenario by setting
keep_alive = 0
results_restrserve = apib_bench(fib_counts = c(15, 20, 25), keep_alive = 0,
runtime_checks = FALSE, n_sec = N_SEC)
results_plumber = apib_bench_plumber(fib_counts = c(15, 20, 25), keep_alive = 0, n_sec = N_SEC)
results_compare = rbindlist(list(results_plumber, results_restrserve))
Due to the overhead of creating a new process for each request and R’s byte compiler
overhead RestRserve
with Rserve
does not perform as quickly as plumber
when computing
instantaneous routes. However, RestRserve
still shows it’s
strength when executing routes that have high computational costs. No
extra coding logic is needed to leverage RestRserve
multi-threaded execution. Mixing plumber
together for high computation routes brings
performance that scales with the number of concurrent requests, but at
the cost of extra route logic and domain knowledge.